Sunday, September 28, 2008


Master Serra posted the following words... I don't know what to expect myself next but I have hope there's more good music in the guy.

After much thought and consideration, I decided to lay the "band" to rest. Nearly a year has passed since I made the last song of the "band" ("El Olor de la Muerte", in case you care to know) and after that period I began composing again, but the new material is so different in concept and scope (albeit not much in sound - I can only sound one way) that putting the name 'Patecabra' would be less than adequate for it.

The new material is way more ambitious and uncompromising that Patecabra would ever be and I think that the honest thing to do is to let something that didn't have much life on it to begin with, die a quiet death - after all, the "band" (I love how people still think that it is a full band and not a solo project :) ) was created only as a a way to channel my influences and nothing more, and didn't have much of a concept or ideology behind it. Something like that can only get so far, but it was a nice ride, even with all the mistakes that, in the end, made me a lot wiser.

This so called "ride" can best be summed up like this: I'm a whole different person than I was when I did my last recording with this project and it's best to move on into bigger, better things.

Thanks to all of you who cared.